Team Solve enjoys searching out classic quotations and we’re always on the look-out for new and inspiring quotes. We support and encourage you to build a healthy daily ritual of solving puzzles daily. We decided to bring these thoughts together and have a bit of fun inserting the phrases “puzzle” or “puzzle ritual” into the classic quotes we find that inspire us. We’ll show you how we do it with quotations about Success ….
Let’s play with a classic quotation from Winston Churchill (remember, words in italics have been added by Team Solve). “Success in solving puzzles is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Here’s a classic quote from Pele (soccer star) about Success (words in italics added by Team Solve). “Success in solving puzzles is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of...
In uncertain economic times or due to cost constraints, some large and community newspapers have had to discontinue their puzzle features or at worst, some have stopped printing altogether. This might have resulted in a loss of your daily puzzle routine – but this is where Solve can fill that void.
Are you missing your daily newspaper puzzles?
Solve Sudoku collections are the ideal way to still receive your daily puzzle; similar to how you would in newspapers. Here is an opportunity to try something you are already familiar with, just in a slightly different format, and the bonus is that your Solve collection comes direct to your inbox. It’s easy and economical to subscribe to a daily puzzle ritual with Solve.
Team Solve promotes many benefits to a daily puzzle ritual as part of a healthy lifestyle. That’s why our puzzle collections are designed to provide several puzzles per week so you can maintain a daily solving ritual.
Solving puzzles...
Team Solve supports a daily puzzle ritual as a simple way to modify your lifestyle in a healthy way. In recent blogs, Team Solve has highlighted the benefits of healthy and positive rituals or habits.
After quoting a phrase from Aristotle (“these virtues are formed in man by his doing the actions”), writer Will Durant sums up Aristotle’s thoughts this way in The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World’s Greatest Philosophers, “We are what we repeatedly do: Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” (he goes on to quote again from Aristotle’s work).
The idea of acting without really thinking about it – such as a daily ritual – is known in science as being a central driver of habits. If the habit comes naturally – daily exercise, nutritious meals, regular social activities, daily puzzle solving – then the habit forms more easily. If the habit is more complex or...
While we make our way through this era of Covid-19, which may include periods of lockdowns and isolation, you may be looking for new and innovative ways to get through the next few months. We have a solution for you try: push away the angst and Solve!
Solving puzzles regularly is just one innovative way to get us through this unusual time.
Team Solve knows that sometimes great results can come from small changes – a daily puzzle ritual can be just that change you are looking for. A puzzle ritual provides a positive way to relax and reduce stress while keeping your mind agile.
Right now might be the ideal time for you to create a new ritual or healthy habit. Humans are known to be creatures of habit – think about your morning or evening routines, our weekly tasks such as shopping and errands, walking the dog or the online streaming programs we watch -- your Solve puzzle ritual will fit easily into the busiest schedule.
Creativity does not need to...
The following is an excerpt from “The Appeal of Sudoku”, by Marcel Danesi, Ph.D, posted June 19, 2009, author of “The Puzzle Instinct”)
Despite its Japanese name, the concept behind Sudoku crystallized in the United States in the form of a puzzle called “Numbers in Place”, which appeared for the first time in the May 1979 issue of Dell Puzzles and Crossword Games magazine. It went virtually unnoticed, except by readers of the magazine. By the way, the late architect Howards Garns is pegged as being its inventor.
In 1984, an editor for Nikoli magazines in Japan came across one of the puzzles, changed its name to Sudoku (meaning “only single numbers allowed”) and included it in his magazines. Within a year, major Japanese dailies were carrying the increasingly popular puzzle.
In 1997, a retired judge from New Zealand, named Wayne Gould, saw a Sudoku puzzle and started making his own. These appeared in 2004 in the...
How do you build a relaxing and entertaining daily ritual that supports a healthy lifestyle? Helpful and engaging daily rituals can positively impact your life. Puzzle collections by Team Solve provide an ideal way to start a daily puzzle ritual. You can set your positive mindset with these other ritual suggestions that may make your lifestyle healthier, happier and more productive.
Why is a puzzle ritual an important part of a healthy lifestyle?
Team Solve believes in the importance of a daily puzzle ritual and our mission is to support puzzle solvers who have or want to have a daily puzzle ritual. We’ve been exploring the importance of rituals and how they play a significant role in society. Rituals remind us of what is important and provide a sense of stability. Some rituals help us to work more effectively (like making a list to organize work tasks) or how to stay focused on our goals by regularly setting objectives for the day or for the week.
When you wake up in the morning do you get started on moving through your day, or do you take a little time for yourself? A few quiet moments -- even if it’s just for five minutes -- to start your morning rituals of that first cup of coffee or a walk in the fresh air --- and time for your puzzle ritual: your Solve ritual.
A great quote from Lewis Howes, author, entrepreneur,...
Sudoku is simple to learn and requires no math calculations. A global craze kicked off several years ago and is still going strong today. Millions of puzzle solvers love Sudoku!
Team Solve Sudoku puzzles are built using our original, reverse-engineered method for producing thousands of Sudoku puzzles. Each one is hand verified. Every solution is unique. There are no “what ifs” or guessing required.
Team Solve offers three levels of difficulty
Sudoku Rules and Solving Strategies
Welcome to Solve – your daily puzzle ritual. We promote solving puzzles as a part of a healthy lifestyle. Team Solve believes there are long-term benefits to a daily puzzle ritual. Our mission is to offer Solve puzzle collections in a PDF format supported by a whiz-bang website and an energetic vibe to our social media strategy.
Team Solve is a team of four, comprising baby boomers and Gen-Y’s in Canadian/Australian blends. We are the people behind the puzzles creating all of our own content. Fifteen years ago we devised an original, reverse-engineered method for producing thousands of Sudoku puzzles and we have done well in newspaper syndication, but we decided it was time to make a real scene in the social network community.
Here is Team Solve:-
The creator and constructor of puzzle content is Janice. She is our foundational member and wordsmith. She started out working in radio, went on to freelance as a writer for...
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