Welcome to Solve – your daily puzzle ritual. We promote solving puzzles as a part of a healthy lifestyle. Our mission is to being our hand-crafted sudokus to your daily puzzle routine.
We are a team of four, comprising of baby boomers and millennials in Canadian/Australian blends. We are the people behind the puzzles, creating all original content. Fifteen years ago we devised an original, reverse-engineered method for producing thousands of Sudoku puzzles, publishing in newspapers all around the world. We then decided it was time to make a real scene in the online community.
Here is Team Solve:
The creator and constructor of puzzle content is Janice. She is our foundational member and wordsmith. She started out working in radio, went on to freelance as a writer for newspapers and magazines. Her role on the Solve Team is CREATE.
Brittany is our data geek and developer. She brings experience in the tech world offering software solutions, automation and sequencing. The software engineering role gives Brittany the time and space to take our ideas and put all the pieces together. Her role on the Solve Team is DEVELOP.
Where would we be without social media? Steph is Team Solve’s social butterfly. She connects our social media platforms and creates the hype, providing artwork and photography to support the Solve brand. Her role on the Solve Team is CONNECT.
We believe design is key in the world of puzzles. Team Solve depends on Ric, our ideas guy and wise owl, to think outside the box in puzzle design to provide savvy graphics and steer our high level planning process into the product we are proud of. His role on the Solve Team is DESIGN.
Enough about us – over to you!
50% Complete
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