Fun with Classic Quotations about Success

fun wih quotations Apr 01, 2023

Team Solve enjoys searching out classic quotations and we’re always on the look-out for new and inspiring quotes.  We support and encourage you to build a healthy daily ritual of solving puzzles daily.  We decided to bring these thoughts together and have a bit of fun inserting the phrases “puzzle” or “puzzle ritual” into the classic quotes we find that inspire us.   We’ll show you how we do it with quotations about Success ….

Let’s play with a classic quotation from Winston Churchill (remember, words in italics have been added by Team Solve).  “Success in solving puzzles is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Here’s a classic quote from Pele (soccer star) about Success (words in italics added by Team Solve).  “Success in solving puzzles is no accident.  It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of...

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Fun with Classic Quotations - Persevere

fun wih quotations Jul 30, 2022

Team Solve supports and encourages you to build a healthy ritual of solving puzzles daily.  That great feeling of having successfully solved a puzzle, once a day or more, can stay with you for a long time.  It’s such a simple way to improve your day and enjoy positive emotions.

Maintaining a daily ritual requires focus, discipline and perseverance.  Team Solve is having some fun with inspirational quotations by adding the phrase “maintaining a daily Solve puzzle ritual” into classic quotes about Perseverance.

We’ll start with one by Samuel Johnson (words in italics have been added by Team Solve), “Great works, such as maintaining a daily Solve puzzle ritual, are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”

Here’s one from soccer legend Pele (words in italics added by Team Solve), “Success in maintaining a daily Solve puzzle ritual is no accident.  It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and...

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Fun with Classic Quotations about Goals

fun wih quotations Jan 29, 2022

We all have goals we are striving to achieve. Goals like spending more time with family and friends, planning that once-in-a-lifetime trip, finding that dream job, leading a healthy lifestyle, achieving financial freedom.

Sometimes we struggle getting started with our goals, or we find out that achieving them is going to take more time and effort than first realized. A Solve puzzle ritual is an effective goal to have. When you experience that little thrill of accomplishment when you solve a puzzle, it can give you a good feeling for the rest of the day and make you feel ready to challenge yourself again.

Let’s have some fun with inspirational quotations about Goals – here’s how we do it. We add the phrases “solving puzzles” or “maintaining your Solve puzzle ritual” into the classic quotes we find that inspire us.

We will start with a quotation from Fitzhugh Dodson (remember, words in italics have been added by Team Solve). “Without...

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Fun with Classic Quotations about Success

fun wih quotations Feb 21, 2021

Team Solve enjoys searching out classic quotations and we’re always on the look-out for new and inspiring quotes.  We support and encourage you to build a healthy daily ritual of solving puzzles daily.  We decided to bring these thoughts together and have a bit of fun inserting the phrases “puzzle” or “puzzle ritual” into the classic quotes we find that inspire us.   We’ll show you how we do it with quotations about Success ….

Let’s play with a classic quotation from Winston Churchill (remember, words in italics have been added by Team Solve).  “Success in solving puzzles is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Here’s a classic quote from Pele (soccer star) about Success (words in italics added by Team Solve).  “Success in solving puzzles is no accident.  It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of...

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