The Advantages of Puzzles: Enhanced Memory and Focus

benefits of solve Jan 07, 2024

Team Solve believes in the value of a daily puzzle ritual as part of a healthy lifestyle.  We know it can be challenging to justify to ourselves the benefit of doing just this one thing at a time, but we believe that setting time aside to concentrate on your daily Solve puzzle ritual is good for you.  Science agrees too, maintaining that puzzles are fun to do and important for good brain health.  The real benefits of solving puzzles depends on a few factors including the type of puzzle you choose and your degree of commitment.

Solving puzzles helps to enhance our memory by reinforcing the existing connections between our brain cells and boosts the preparation of new relationships.  Both of these benefit our mental speed and thought processes.  Science agrees that puzzles are beneficial for every age – young minds because they are flexible and easily trained, and adults and seniors because they are more susceptible to decreased memory function.


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The Joy of Solving Puzzles

benefits of solve Nov 05, 2023

Janice from Team Solve has enjoyed solving puzzles on a regular basis for most of her life. And she has spent many years constructing puzzles of all kinds, shapes and sizes.  She puzzles !  

And now we know that science agrees because according to Daniel Bor, a research fellow at the University of Sussex in England, it’s because we take great pleasure in pattern-finding.  He says,

“Human brains have an extreme form of consciousness:  they’re ravenous for new innovative solutions to problems in the world, ravenous for optimizing our lives, for building pyramids of knowledge.  It’s about trying to solve novel or complex problems.  We have a mental space dedicated to complex problem solving.  What makes human consciousness unique is our ravenous appetite for these innovative lessons that help us solve these novel or complex problems.”

There’s a reason why puzzle solvers sometimes experience a need to keep...

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Missing Your Daily Newspaper Puzzle?

benefits of solve Mar 04, 2023

In uncertain economic times or due to cost constraints, some large and community newspapers have had to discontinue their puzzle features or at worst, some have stopped printing altogether.  This might have resulted in a loss of your daily puzzle routine – but this is where Solve can fill that void.

Are you missing your daily newspaper puzzles?

Solve Sudoku collections are the ideal way to still receive your daily puzzle; similar to how you would in newspapers.  Here is an opportunity to try something you are already familiar with, just in a slightly different format, and the bonus is that your Solve collection comes direct to your inbox.  It’s easy and economical to subscribe to a daily puzzle ritual with Solve.

Team Solve promotes many benefits to a daily puzzle ritual as part of a healthy lifestyle.  That’s why our puzzle collections are designed to provide several puzzles per week so you can maintain a daily solving ritual.

Solving puzzles...

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Why Itā€™s Good For Children to Solve Sudoku

benefits of solve Oct 01, 2022

Team Solve believes there are lots of reasons why solving is good for children’s developing minds.  Many parents know that a focus on sourcing good mental stimulation is as important as consistently good nutrition for their child’s optimal health.  Solving Sudoku offers many benefits for young and growing brains.  In this blog, we take a closer look at just a few:-

Solving Sudoku Teaches Good Skills in a Fun Way

  • Solving Sudoku is a great starting point to learn quick recall of numbers, symbols, patterns, even theories.  This can build rational thought and can help to develop an organized thinking process.
  • Solving Sudoku requires children to remember which numbers are possible digits for a particular cell.  This can help improve memory skills in young emerging minds.
  • Solving Sudoku requires logical thinking and an ability to make quick decisions.  Since there is only one correct answer for the digit in each cell, children learn to...
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Solve Goes with You: Maintain your Solve puzzle ritual anywhere

benefits of solve Jun 04, 2022

Here’s another great way to maintain your Solve puzzle ritual:  you take your Solve collection almost anywhere!  Team Solve supports your daily puzzle ritual.  That’s why our weekly puzzle collections are printable.  You can maintain your daily puzzle ritual at your desk, kitchen table, café, or solve on an airplane, bus or boat.

Your Solve puzzle ritual is flexible enough to do on the train, at the kid’s sports game, while waiting at the dentist’s office, or while travelling (and your Solve puzzle collection even works despite a coffee spill unlike your cell phone, tablet or computer!)  

Waiting to find the exact place and time can be a form of procrastination.  But if you waste time and effort trying to decide when or where to maintain your puzzle ritual, it could get in the way of your commitment.

It has been said that crime mystery writer Agatha Christie had endless requests from journalists who wanted to...

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The Advantages of Puzzles: Enhanced Memory and Focus

benefits of solve Apr 30, 2022

Team Solve believes in the value of a daily puzzle ritual as part of a healthy lifestyle.  We know it can be challenging to justify to ourselves the benefit of doing just this one thing at a time, but we believe that setting time aside to concentrate on your daily Solve puzzle ritual is good for you.  Science agrees too, maintaining that puzzles are fun to do and important for good brain health.  The real benefits of solving puzzles depends on a few factors including the type of puzzle you choose and your degree of commitment.

Solving puzzles helps to enhance our memory by reinforcing the existing connections between our brain cells and boosts the preparation of new relationships.  Both of these benefit our mental speed and thought processes.  Science agrees that puzzles are beneficial for every age – young minds because they are flexible and easily trained, and adults and seniors because they are more susceptible to decreased memory function.


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Take a Mental Break: Word Puzzles Let Your Brain Engage in a Different Way

benefits of solve Jan 01, 2022

One of the health benefits of your daily Solve ritual is that the puzzles allow you to lose yourself for a little while: take a mental break and find your flow. Spending a few minutes each day doing an activity that takes you completely out of your daily stresses is a form of meditation. Your Solve puzzle ritual is Zen!

In the 21st century, our world is so stimulating that we live daily with our brains always engaged, always buzzing, always “on”. So much is on our minds on a daily basis -- the bills to pay this month, the kid’s projects and activities, what’s for dinner, the meeting at work, the grocery list, Cuddles’ upcoming vet visit!

Sometimes it feels nearly impossible to let our minds go and just wander freely. Your Solve puzzle collection can help your brain engage in a different way by temporarily taking your brain to another place – a relaxed place.

Recent studies have shown that word puzzles can be a great way to let your mind play. In a...

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The Power of Small Positive Changes

benefits of solve Dec 04, 2021

Enhancing your lifestyle might include committing to small positive changes like solving puzzles daily or at least on a regular basis. Your daily Solve puzzle ritual is a pleasant activity that helps build a positive attitude for successful habit change.

It is said that every morning Benjamin Franklin asked himself “What good will I do today?” and in the evening he asked, “What good did I do today?” That is an admirable intention and if we all did that, our focus and perspective would likely be enhanced.

Making small positive changes in your life can benefit your mind and your body. You may be surprised by how much positive impact one small change can have on your life. Besides starting or maintaining your daily Solve puzzle ritual here are some other ideas to get you thinking about the power of small positive changes:

  • Maintain uninterrupted sleep for 8 hours each night

  •  Eat 2-3 well-balanced meals each day

  •  Engage in physical activity for 30...

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Brain Training ā€“ Healthy Eating ā€“ Regular ExerciseĀ 

benefits of solve Oct 02, 2021

Healthy eating, regular exercise and brain training – the experts tell us these are three factors to consider for a healthy lifestyle. Another way to help stay active, youthful and mentally agile is by adopting a daily ritual of solving puzzles. Team Solve supports a daily puzzle ritual as a convenient and economical way to support a healthy lifestyle.

Following is an excerpt from Prevention magazine, April 2016 edition ( about an extraordinary Canadian woman who accomplished extraordinary things – and one of her daily rituals was completing a word puzzle!

Aga Burzynska is rock climbing on a bluff outside Fort Collins, CO, as she often does. While she reaches for craggy finger holds in the veined surface, Burzynska, a neuro-scientist, calculates and recalculates, her brain and body working together to scale the vertical. Burzynska loves the outdoors and the way exercise makes her feel.

But the challenging physicality of climbing is doing more than just...

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The Benefits of Flow Activities

benefits of solve Jul 30, 2021

Can you remember a day where things just seemed to come together? You woke up feeling good, your activities all went to plan, and you felt like you were really “in the flow”. We all love days like that.

An activity that helps you flow -- to be in a state of mind so focussed that you are actually immersed in what you are doing and the rest of the world falls away – is a flow activity and it’s good for you.

For Janice of Team Solve a flow activity is when she’s looking at photos of a favourite trip and she gets lost in reliving memorable travel. For Ric of Team Solve it’s when he’s sailing. Other flow activities, like running, writing, meditating, baking, sketching, or gardening, are so good for your mind because it gives it a chance to have a break from worry or boredom or anxiety or pain. You can see that, compared to a bad habit like procrastinating or automatic eating, a habit of flow activities is actively doing you good. Often our...

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