Missing Your Daily Newspaper Puzzle?

benefits of solve Mar 04, 2023

In uncertain economic times or due to cost constraints, some large and community newspapers have had to discontinue their puzzle features or at worst, some have stopped printing altogether.  This might have resulted in a loss of your daily puzzle routine – but this is where Solve can fill that void.

Are you missing your daily newspaper puzzles?

Solve Sudoku collections are the ideal way to still receive your daily puzzle; similar to how you would in newspapers.  Here is an opportunity to try something you are already familiar with, just in a slightly different format, and the bonus is that your Solve collection comes direct to your inbox.  It’s easy and economical to subscribe to a daily puzzle ritual with Solve.

Team Solve promotes many benefits to a daily puzzle ritual as part of a healthy lifestyle.  That’s why our puzzle collections are designed to provide several puzzles per week so you can maintain a daily solving ritual.

Solving puzzles has positive impact!  

  • Improved memory
  • Boosts concentration and focus
  • The release of dopamine that comes with achievement makes us feel happy and serene
  • Solving puzzles tests your ingenuity
  • Gives your brain a “warm-up” and acts as a primer for the day ahead
  • A positive way to reduce stress
  • Keeps our minds agile and protects our brains from decline
  • Helps with decision making
  • Allows you plan to time each day to detach from electronics and commitments
  • Benefits your social, emotional and mental health

Who knew a daily puzzle ritual could help with all this?

That’s why Team Solve supports a daily puzzle ritual as part of a healthy lifestyle.

If you are missing your daily newspaper puzzles, join the Solve community and subscribe to Solve collections so you can maintain your daily puzzle ritual.


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