Team Solve believes there are lots of reasons why solving is good for children’s developing minds. Many parents know that a focus on sourcing good mental stimulation is as important as consistently good nutrition for their child’s optimal health. Solving Sudoku offers many benefits for young and growing brains. In this blog, we take a closer look at just a few:-
Solving Sudoku Teaches Good Skills in a Fun Way
There is no clear-cut way for creating and maintaining the best daily rituals. Everyone has different ways of doing things because we have various personalities and quirks. Usually we like to try things out before we find what works best for us. When you find your best rituals – for example, when you can stick with the healthy habit of maintaining your daily Solve ritual – it makes other rituals much easier to develop.
Here are a couple suggestions about how to implement ritual into our daily lives – about making a conscious effort every day to improve those places where we spend the most of our time in-home or workplace. Try picking up some fresh flowers for your desk at work, or play light music during your morning ritual to ease into the day or light candles as you unwind before going to bed. By making small and simple changes, you remind yourself that you are worth that time and attention.
If, like most people, you are up and about...
Team Solve supports and encourages you to build a healthy ritual of solving puzzles daily. That great feeling of having successfully solved a puzzle, once a day or more, can stay with you for a long time. It’s such a simple way to improve your day and enjoy positive emotions.
Maintaining a daily ritual requires focus, discipline and perseverance. Team Solve is having some fun with inspirational quotations by adding the phrase “maintaining a daily Solve puzzle ritual” into classic quotes about Perseverance.
We’ll start with one by Samuel Johnson (words in italics have been added by Team Solve), “Great works, such as maintaining a daily Solve puzzle ritual, are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”
Here’s one from soccer legend Pele (words in italics added by Team Solve), “Success in maintaining a daily Solve puzzle ritual is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and...
Listening to uplifting music can have a direct and positive impact on our mood. Just like a walk in the fresh air or eating a healthy lunch, listening to music we enjoy is certain to boost our mood – it’s like an emotional charge.
Maybe you wake up to music or listen on your daily commute to work or have music playing while you are at home. With custom playlists on our electronic devices, we can select songs for the various moods we are in, or to even bring us out of a negative one. Be conscious of the music you are listening to (especially in the morning) because it can positively or negatively impact your day.
Your Solve puzzle collection combined with uplifting music make for a daily ritual that can positively impact your lifestyle. The combination can be empowering !
Find a little time and space for your Solve puzzle ritual and then choose music to match your mood or change up your mood. For example, If you are feeling...
Here’s another great way to maintain your Solve puzzle ritual: you take your Solve collection almost anywhere! Team Solve supports your daily puzzle ritual. That’s why our weekly puzzle collections are printable. You can maintain your daily puzzle ritual at your desk, kitchen table, café, or solve on an airplane, bus or boat.
Your Solve puzzle ritual is flexible enough to do on the train, at the kid’s sports game, while waiting at the dentist’s office, or while travelling (and your Solve puzzle collection even works despite a coffee spill unlike your cell phone, tablet or computer!)
Waiting to find the exact place and time can be a form of procrastination. But if you waste time and effort trying to decide when or where to maintain your puzzle ritual, it could get in the way of your commitment.
It has been said that crime mystery writer Agatha Christie had endless requests from journalists who wanted to...
Team Solve believes in the value of a daily puzzle ritual as part of a healthy lifestyle. We know it can be challenging to justify to ourselves the benefit of doing just this one thing at a time, but we believe that setting time aside to concentrate on your daily Solve puzzle ritual is good for you. Science agrees too, maintaining that puzzles are fun to do and important for good brain health. The real benefits of solving puzzles depends on a few factors including the type of puzzle you choose and your degree of commitment.
Solving puzzles helps to enhance our memory by reinforcing the existing connections between our brain cells and boosts the preparation of new relationships. Both of these benefit our mental speed and thought processes. Science agrees that puzzles are beneficial for every age – young minds because they are flexible and easily trained, and adults and seniors because they are more susceptible to decreased memory function.
Janice from Team Solve has enjoyed solving puzzles on a regular basis for most of her life. And she has spent many years constructing puzzles of all kinds, shapes and sizes. She puzzles!
And now we know that science agrees because according to Daniel Bor, a research fellow at the University of Sussex in England, it’s because we take great pleasure in pattern-finding. He says,
“Human brains have an extreme form of consciousness: they’re ravenous for new innovative solutions to problems in the world, ravenous for optimizing our lives, for building pyramids of knowledge. It’s about trying to solve novel or complex problems. We have a mental space dedicated to complex problem-solving. What makes human consciousness unique is our ravenous appetite for these innovative lessons that help us solve these novel or complex problems.”
There’s a reason why puzzle solvers sometimes experience a need to keep attempting puzzles that are challenging....
How long does it take for something to become a habit? The sources we checked offer varying answers, but for a long time, it was widely believed that 21 days was the most popular result. Then some studies came up with 66 days or longer, but most acknowledge that there was a lot of variation among people and their habits. Clearly, some people are more habit-resistant than others!
So how do we start a healthy habit? And how do we maintain it? Habits are routine, automatic and sequential. Sometimes we set a goal like eating healthy all the time, or going to the gym every day or getting a full 8 hours of sleep every night.
Team Solve encourages a more reasonable approach for your daily Solve puzzle ritual -- slowly modify your lifestyle to accept a new healthy habit. We want you to experience the satisfaction and success of daily puzzle solving that you can sustain every day, every week, throughout the year. It’s as easy as choosing to drink water with every meal or doing 30...
We all have goals we are striving to achieve. Goals like spending more time with family and friends, planning that once-in-a-lifetime trip, finding that dream job, leading a healthy lifestyle, achieving financial freedom.
Sometimes we struggle getting started with our goals, or we find out that achieving them is going to take more time and effort than first realized. A Solve puzzle ritual is an effective goal to have. When you experience that little thrill of accomplishment when you solve a puzzle, it can give you a good feeling for the rest of the day and make you feel ready to challenge yourself again.
Let’s have some fun with inspirational quotations about Goals – here’s how we do it. We add the phrases “solving puzzles” or “maintaining your Solve puzzle ritual” into the classic quotes we find that inspire us.
We will start with a quotation from Fitzhugh Dodson (remember, words in italics have been added by Team Solve). “Without...
One of the health benefits of your daily Solve ritual is that the puzzles allow you to lose yourself for a little while: take a mental break and find your flow. Spending a few minutes each day doing an activity that takes you completely out of your daily stresses is a form of meditation. Your Solve puzzle ritual is Zen!
In the 21st century, our world is so stimulating that we live daily with our brains always engaged, always buzzing, always “on”. So much is on our minds on a daily basis -- the bills to pay this month, the kid’s projects and activities, what’s for dinner, the meeting at work, the grocery list, Cuddles’ upcoming vet visit!
Sometimes it feels nearly impossible to let our minds go and just wander freely. Your Solve puzzle collection can help your brain engage in a different way by temporarily taking your brain to another place – a relaxed place.
Recent studies have shown that word puzzles can be a great way to let your mind play. In a...
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