Healthy eating, regular exercise and brain training – the experts tell us these are three factors to consider for a healthy lifestyle. Another way to help stay active, youthful and mentally agile is by adopting a daily ritual of solving puzzles. Team Solve supports a daily puzzle ritual as a convenient and economical way to support a healthy lifestyle.
Following is an excerpt from Prevention magazine, April 2016 edition ( about an extraordinary Canadian woman who accomplished extraordinary things – and one of her daily rituals was completing a word puzzle!
Aga Burzynska is rock climbing on a bluff outside Fort Collins, CO, as she often does. While she reaches for craggy finger holds in the veined surface, Burzynska, a neuro-scientist, calculates and recalculates, her brain and body working together to scale the vertical. Burzynska loves the outdoors and the way exercise makes her feel.
But the challenging physicality of...
How do you build a relaxing and entertaining daily ritual that supports a healthy lifestyle? Helpful and engaging daily rituals can positively impact your life. Puzzle collections by Team Solve provide an ideal way to start a daily puzzle ritual. You can set your positive mindset with these other ritual suggestions that may make your lifestyle healthier, happier and more productive.
Listening to uplifting music can have a direct and positive impact on our mood. Just like a walk in the fresh air or eating a healthy lunch, listening to music we enjoy is certain to boost our mood – it’s like an emotional charge.
Maybe you wake up to music or listen on your daily commute to work or have music playing while you are at home. With custom playlists on our electronic devices, we can select songs for the various moods we are in, or to even bring us out of a negative one. Be conscious of the music you are listening to (especially in the morning) because it can positively or negatively impact your day.
Your Solve puzzle collection combined with uplifting music make for a daily ritual that can positively impact your lifestyle. The combination can be empowering !
Find a little time and space for your Solve puzzle ritual and then choose music to match your mood or change up your mood. For example, If you are feeling...
How long does it take for something to become a habit? The sources we checked offer varying answers, but for a long time, it was widely believed that 21 days was the most popular result. Then some studies came up with 66 days or longer, but most acknowledge that there was a lot of variation among people and their habits. Clearly, some people are more habit-resistant than others!
So how do we start a healthy habit? And how do we maintain it? Habits are routine, automatic and sequential. Sometimes we set a goal like eating healthy all the time, or going to the gym every day or getting a full 8 hours of sleep every night.
Team Solve encourages a more reasonable approach for your daily Solve puzzle ritual -- slowly modify your lifestyle to accept a new healthy habit. We want you to experience the satisfaction and success of daily puzzle solving that you can sustain every day, every week, throughout the year. It’s as easy as choosing to drink water with every meal or doing 30...
How do you build a relaxing and entertaining daily ritual that supports a healthy lifestyle? Helpful and engaging daily rituals can positively impact your life. Puzzle collections by Team Solve provide an ideal way to start a daily puzzle ritual. You can set your positive mindset with these other ritual suggestions that may make your lifestyle healthier, happier and more productive.
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