Healthy eating, regular exercise and brain training – the experts tell us these are three factors to consider for a healthy lifestyle. Another way to help stay active, youthful and mentally agile is by adopting a daily ritual of solving puzzles. Team Solve supports a daily puzzle ritual as a convenient and economical way to support a healthy lifestyle.
Following is an excerpt from Prevention magazine, April 2016 edition ( about an extraordinary Canadian woman who accomplished extraordinary things – and one of her daily rituals was completing a word puzzle!
Aga Burzynska is rock climbing on a bluff outside Fort Collins, CO, as she often does. While she reaches for craggy finger holds in the veined surface, Burzynska, a neuro-scientist, calculates and recalculates, her brain and body working together to scale the vertical. Burzynska loves the outdoors and the way exercise makes her feel.
But the challenging physicality of climbing is doing more than just bringing her pleasure; it’s fortifying her brain to stay sharp into old age. And Burzynska knows this more than anyone, because she has advanced the research into this area – by studying a single, fascinating woman named Olga Kotelko.
Kotelko took up track and field at the age of 77 and then went on to dominate international sports competitions well into her 90s, always pushing herself to do more. But it is not Kotelko’s remarkable physical prowess that has captured Burzynska’s fascination. What gets her excited is Kotelko’s brain.
At the time of Kotelko’s death at age 95, her mind was ultra-sharp. She spent the last years of her life working on an autobiography. She read the newspaper cover to cover every day, always making time for the Sudoku puzzle. Even at 95, her cognition was far from softening or slowing.
An active brain helps clarify your thinking. You can keep your brain sharp by maintaining a daily puzzle ritual with Solve. Solving puzzles on a regular basis (Team Solve encourages daily puzzle solving) may help your thinking brain to work more quickly and more clearly.
Solving puzzles helps improve logic skills. Engaging in mind-stimulating puzzles can help you continue working towards a healthy and active mind. Consider solving puzzles on a regular basis as fuel for your thinking brain!
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