Team Solve supports a daily puzzle ritual as a simple way to modify your lifestyle in a healthy way. In recent blogs, Team Solve has highlighted the benefits of healthy and positive rituals or habits.
After quoting a phrase from Aristotle (“these virtues are formed in man by his doing the actions”), writer Will Durant sums up Aristotle’s thoughts this way in The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World’s Greatest Philosophers, “We are what we repeatedly do: Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” (he goes on to quote again from Aristotle’s work).
The idea of acting without really thinking about it – such as a daily ritual – is known in science as being a central driver of habits. If the habit comes naturally – daily exercise, nutritious meals, regular social activities, daily puzzle solving – then the habit forms more easily. If the habit is more complex or difficult, it may take longer.
To understand our helpful habits and healthy rituals better, we can track them. This takes some time, but it helps to improve or enhance our experience if we know more about them. Just like a nutritionist might ask you to keep a food journal, or a personal trainer might ask you to document your fitness routine, we can track our rituals or habits of puzzle solving (easy to do with Solve puzzle collections!).
Team Solve saw this quotation recently “The quality of your rituals determines your success.” Rituals are like non-negotiable habits, a routine of behaviours that we perform every day. Solving a puzzle daily is a ritual and adds to the flow of your day.
Here are some daily rituals of great minds:
A ritual is an activity we complete each day without fail. A solid routine, or ritual, of puzzle solving offers a place to focus your mental energies. Reading about the daily rituals of great minds is inspiring. They all found the time to get their work done, so maybe “the path to greatness is paved with many basic rituals!”
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